CPI’s Professional Development Program (PDP), which has been going strong for over 15 years, consists of educational and training courses that provide unmatched opportunities for participants to increase their knowledge of the polyurethane industry. The PDP provides unparalleled learning opportunities for both industry newcomers and veterans. CPI strives to provide opportunities that keep industry professionals on top of the latest standards, trends and developments.
This package of courses contains the 5 webinars that were taught virtually by industry experts and continued the Professional Development Program’s mission of increasing participants’ knowledge of the polyurethane industry
Individual 2-hour Courses Include:
- PU101: Polyurethane Chemistry
- PU102B: Rigid Polyurethane Foam Market Overview
- PU107: Introduction to Surfactants, Catalysts and Additives
*NEW* PU 108: Battery Assembly Materials for Electric Vehicles
- PU 201: Polyurethane Raw Materials Testing, Specifications and Performance: "The Myth and the Magic"
- PU 204: Physical Testing of Polyurethane
- PU 205: Enabling Circular Economy for Plastics - Tools to Help Close the Loop
For more information, please contact Laura Dickemann, (202) 249-6525, laura_dickemann@americanchemistry.com.
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