2024 Year-End Data NOW AVAILABLE.
Gain insight into the short-term industry outlook with this semi-annual data set issued in June and December. The data provides a key metrics of the economic, end-use market, chemical and investment trends, and outlook. It presents an up-to-date assessment of current conditions in the business of chemistry in the United States and globally, plus likely prospects for the upcoming year and beyond.
Forecasts of the key indicators (trade, volume, shipments, employment, R&D spending, capacity utilization, capital spending) are based on preliminary responses to the annual American Chemistry Council Economic Survey and economic models and reflect the consensus of forecasts made by economists, forecasters, and other industry experts.
ACC's blog post summarizing the Year-End Outlook can be found here.
This product contains only the background source data as a spreadsheet.
Available free to MEMBERS at accexchange.sharepoint.com